About Me

I am Jennifer and I am an educator, a wife, and a mom.  I live in sunny South Florida - a transplant from New Jersey.  I started blogging as a way to track my journey out of debt and toward financial freedom.  I have struggled with finances my whole life, and I have had some sort of debt since I was 19 years old when I purchased my first car and started receiving store credit cards.  I have always been fortunate that I have been able to make a good salary, the problem lies in the fact that I usually spend every dime and usually before I have it in my hands.  After a divorce I was left with no choice but to allow my home to go into foreclosure. I was lucky enough to have it short sale so that my credit should recover a bit quicker.  I am working to not be controlled by money, and to allow myself to find happiness in what I have around me each and every day.

My adult life started out exactly the way I had imagined it would:

At 22 I married and started the journey to the "American Dream" starting with a big, white wedding. A few years later came the house, and  the next step was children.  That is where the first detour from my American Dream occurred.  I spent many years and thousands of dollars trying to get pregnant and I was unable to realize that dream. So, I changed my dream just a bit and adopted my beautiful daughter from China. Then the next detour from the American Dream was the divorce after 19 years of marriage...but life was just about to get wonderful.

Today I am in my mid-forties, remarried to an amazing man, mother to a beautiful daughter, and administrator in a local elementary school. I'm still trying to get debt-free so I can realize my dream of someday owning a home again.  I hope you'll come back and read about my journey.

I'm excited to see where it will take me.

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